Ham Radio Delux 5.0b Build 2893
Ham Radio Delux 5.0b Build 2893: The Last Free Version of a Popular Amateur Radio Program Suite
Ham Radio Delux (HRD) is a software suite that allows you to control your transceiver, log your contacts, and operate in various digital modes such as CW, RTTY, PSK, and more. It was created by Simon Brown HB9DRV, who released the last free version of HRD on March 29, 2011. This version is known as HRD 5.0b Build 2893 , and it is still available for download from some sources. However, it is not supported or updated by the current developers of HRD, who have released a commercial version 6 . In this article, we will show you how to download and install HRD 5.0b Build 2893 for free on your Windows PC, and what features and functions it offers for radio enthusiasts.
How to Download and Install HRD 5.0b Build 2893 for Free
The first step is to download the setup file for HRD 5.0b Build 2893 from a reliable source. One such source is SoundCloud, where you can find a link to the setup file in the description of this audio track . Alternatively, you can use this direct link to download the setup file: . The file size is about 87 MB and the file name is HRD-5.0-build-2893.exe.
Download: https://gohhs.com/2w4buC
The next step is to run the setup file that you downloaded in the previous step. You may need to right-click on the file and choose "Run as administrator" to start the installation process. You will see a welcome screen that asks you to accept the license agreement for HRD 5.0b Build 2893. The license agreement states that this product may be distributed for use by radio amateurs, but it may not be sold . After you accept the license agreement, you can choose the destination folder for HRD and click "Next". The setup program will then copy the necessary files to your computer and create shortcuts on your desktop and start menu.
The final step is to launch HRD from your desktop or start menu shortcut. You will see a splash screen that shows the version number and the logo of HRD. You can then choose which module of HRD you want to use: Rig Control, Logbook, DM780, Satellite Tracking, or Rotor Control. You can also access the help files, check for updates, or register your product from the main menu.
How to Use HRD 5.0b Build 2893
To use HRD, you will need to configure your transceiver model, serial port, baud rate, and other settings in the Rig Control module. You can also customize your preferences, appearance, sound card, macros, and other options in each module of HRD.
The Rig Control module allows you to control your transceiver using a CAT interface. You can change the frequency, mode, power, filter, split, memory, and other functions of your radio from your computer screen. You can also use buttons and sliders to tune your radio or scan for signals.
The Logbook module allows you to log your contacts and keep track of your awards and confirmations. You can enter the call sign, name, QTH, grid square, mode, band, frequency, signal report, and other information of your contact in the log entry window. You can also look up callsigns on QRZ.com or other online databases from within the logbook. You can export your logbook to various formats such as ADIF or CSV.
The DM780 module allows you to operate in various digital modes such as CW, RTTY, PSK31, SSTV, MFSK16, Olivia, Hellschreiber, and more. You can use a waterfall display to see the signals on the band and click on them to tune your radio. You can also use macros to send pre-defined messages or commands in each mode.
The Satellite Tracking module allows you to track the position and path of amateur radio satellites in real time. You can see a map of the world with the satellite footprint and azimuth/elevation indicators. You can also control your radio frequency and doppler shift automatically using this module.
The Rotor Control module allows you to control your antenna rotator using a serial or USB interface. You can set the azimuth and elevation of your antenna manually or automatically using the satellite tracking module.
HRD 5.0b Build 2893 is a powerful and versatile amateur radio program suite that offers many features and functions for radio enthusiasts. Although it is not supported or updated by the current developers of HRD, it is still a useful and reliable tool that can be downloaded and installed for free from some sources. If you are looking for a free alternative to the commercial version of HRD, you may want to give HRD 5.0b Build 2893 a try.