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Luke Thomas
Luke Thomas

Understanding Cement Ebook For Free

An understanding of the basics of cement materials science and chemistry is essential for anyone working in cement and concrete technology, especially in more senior positions. Unfortunately, the industry isn't always very good at providing the necessary training and many of the books on the subject are hard to follow if you don't happen to be a postgraduate chemist.

Understanding Cement Ebook For Free

Saves you reading those heavy-duty text books that can be confusing if you aren't already a cement chemist. The informal writing style (this is definitely not a typical textbook) and numerous illustrations give a clear understanding of cement and concrete chemistry without needing a chemistry degree or going to university or having access to a university library.

Helps you visualize what happens both in the cement kiln and also in concrete mixes. Unlike a normal textbook that just throws a lot of facts at you that you then have to remember, the structured understanding that "Cement Concepts" in Chapter 11 especially encourages you to practice helps you retain and develop your knowledge. It all fits together in a "mental map" that includes what you know already, what you learn from this book and what you learn in the future.

"Great book, I had a copy but lent it and never got it back. A good indication of its usefulness. I lend this book to my new chemists and engineers to read, as a very concise and easy to follow text. They always ask if they can read-up on cement manufacture and a copy of Lea, Taylor or Locher just scares them off the subject. However your text has just the right level of detail and coverage. I've been in the industry for almost 30 years and this is the only book available which is at a suitable level for new graduates coming into the industry to get a good understanding of cement." Bret Barnett, Technical Manager, BGC Cement, Western Australia

"As a newcomer and novice to the concrete / cement industry a couple of years ago, I found 'Understanding Cement' to be a priceless resource. Now, today, as a supplier of supplementary cementitious materials, I refer to it on a regular basis and it has been instrumental in building a solid foundation of understanding the fundamentals, as well as the advanced concepts in this fascinating and ever growing industry. In my opinion, it is precisely this type of knowledge base that will lead us into the next generation of more advanced and more durable concrete."Brian K Jeppsen, Hess Pumice Products, Inc. USA

The "Understanding Cement" book and e-book are available ONLY direct from the publisher via this website. You won't find them in bookshops or on Amazon.They can be obtained through the links below. Just choose whether you want the book or e-book, and click the appropriate "Add to Cart" button and this will take you to the shopping cart where you can review your purchase. Please make sure you have the right version of the book in your shopping cart!If you purchase the printed book, it will be printed and sent to you as soon as possible. If you purchase the e-book, after the transaction you will be sent two emails, one with a link where you can download your Understanding Cement e-book and the other with a link to an invoice for your purchase.Get "Understanding Cement" now, risk-free, and start to see cement in a new light!

Articles like this one can provide a lot of useful material. However, reading an article or two is perhaps not the best way to get a clear picture of a complex process like cement production. To get a more complete and integrated understanding of how cement is made, do have a look at the Understanding Cement book or ebook. This easy-to-read and concise book also contains much more detail on concrete chemistry and deleterious processes in concrete compared with the website.

Almost everyone interested in cement is also concerned to at least some degree with concrete strength. This ebook describes ten cement-related characteristics of concrete that can potentially cause strengths to be lower than expected. Get the ebook FREE when you sign up to CEMBYTES, our Understanding Cement Newsletter - just click on the ebook image above.

Learn some tips to improve product quality, boost efficiency, lower productions costs, and create safer, cleaner cement production lines. Download the free eBook, A Practical Guide to Improving Cement Manufacturing Processes and Production.

Successful, long-term stability of indirect restorations in dentistry is highly dependent on the clinician understanding the relationship of tooth preparation style and the proper cement that it therefore dictates. This eBook will discuss cements, ceramics, and both types of preparations, highlighting the steps involved in achieving predictable cementation.

As stated by Abrams' law, a lower water-to-cement ratio yields a stronger, more durable concrete, whereas more water gives a freer-flowing concrete with a higher slump.[42] Impure water used to make concrete can cause problems when setting or in causing premature failure of the structure.[43]

Properly curing concrete leads to increased strength and lower permeability and avoids cracking where the surface dries out prematurely. Care must also be taken to avoid freezing or overheating due to the exothermic setting of cement. Improper curing can cause scaling, reduced strength, poor abrasion resistance and cracking.

Pervious concrete is a mix of specially graded coarse aggregate, cement, water, and little-to-no fine aggregates. This concrete is also known as "no-fines" or porous concrete. Mixing the ingredients in a carefully controlled process creates a paste that coats and bonds the aggregate particles. The hardened concrete contains interconnected air voids totaling approximately 15 to 25 percent. Water runs through the voids in the pavement to the soil underneath. Air entrainment admixtures are often used in freeze-thaw climates to minimize the possibility of frost damage. Pervious concrete also permits rainwater to filter through roads and parking lots, to recharge aquifers, instead of contributing to runoff and flooding.[87]

Extreme weather conditions (extreme heat or cold; windy conditions, and humidity variations) can significantly alter the quality of concrete. Many precautions are observed in cold weather placement.[115] Low temperatures significantly slow the chemical reactions involved in hydration of cement, thus affecting the strength development. Preventing freezing is the most important precaution, as formation of ice crystals can cause damage to the crystalline structure of the hydrated cement paste. If the surface of the concrete pour is insulated from the outside temperatures, the heat of hydration will prevent freezing.

Concrete can be damaged by many processes, such as the expansion of corrosion products of the steel reinforcement bars, freezing of trapped water, fire or radiant heat, aggregate expansion, sea water effects, bacterial corrosion, leaching, erosion by fast-flowing water, physical damage and chemical damage (from carbonatation, chlorides, sulfates and distillate water).[129] The micro fungi Aspergillus alternaria and Cladosporium were able to grow on samples of concrete used as a radioactive waste barrier in the Chernobyl reactor; leaching aluminum, iron, calcium, and silicon.[130]

In fine, the defect in naturals seems to proceed from want of quickness,activity, and motion in the intellectual faculties, whereby they are deprivedof reason; whereas madmen, on the other side, seem to suffer by the otherextreme. For they do not appear to me to have lost the faculty of reasoning,but having joined together some ideas very wrongly, they mistake them fortruths; and they err as men do that argue right from wrong principles. For, bythe violence of their imaginations, having taken their fancies for realities,they make right deductions from them. Thus you shall find a distracted manfancying himself a king, with a right inference require suitable attendance,respect, and obedience: others who have thought themselves made of glass, haveused the caution necessary to preserve such brittle bodies. Hence it comes topass that a man who is very sober, and of a right understanding in all otherthings, may in one particular be as frantic as any in Bedlam; if either by anysudden very strong impression, or long fixing his fancy upon one sort ofthoughts, incoherent ideas have been cemented together so powerfully, as toremain united. But there are degrees of madness, as of folly; the disorderlyjumbling ideas together is in some more, and some less. In short, herein seemsto lie the difference between idiots and madmen: that madmen put wrong ideastogether, and so make wrong propositions, but argue and reason right from them;but idiots make very few or no propositions, and reason scarce at all.

However, the name FACULTY, which men have given to this power called the will,and whereby they have been led into a way of talking of the will as acting,may, by an appropriation that disguises its true sense, serve a little topalliate the absurdity; yet the will, in truth, signifies nothing but a poweror ability to prefer or choose: and when the will, under the name of a faculty,is considered as it is, barely as an ability to do something, the absurdity insaying it is free, or not free, will easily discover itself. For, if it bereasonable to suppose and talk of faculties as distinct beings that can act,(as we do, when we say the will orders, and the will is free,) it is fit thatwe should make a speaking faculty, and a walking faculty, and a dancingfaculty, by which these actions are produced, which are but several modes ofmotion; as well as we make the will and understanding to be faculties, by whichthe actions of choosing and perceiving are produced, which are but severalmodes of thinking. And we may as properly say that it is the singing facultysings, and the dancing faculty dances, as that the will chooses, or that theunderstanding conceives; or, as is usual, that the will directs theunderstanding, or the understanding obeys or obeys not the will: it beingaltogether as proper and intelligible to say that the power of speaking directsthe power of singing, or the power of singing obeys or disobeys the power ofspeaking.


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