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Luca White
Luca White

Introduction To Chemical Reactor Analysis Second Edition ^HOT^

This text offers a comprehensive, unified methodology to analyze and design chemical reactors, using a reaction-based design formulation rather than the common species-based design formulation. The book's acclaimed approach addresses the weaknesses of current pedagogy by giving readers the knowledge and tools needed to address the technical challenges they will face in practice.

Introduction To Chemical Reactor Analysis Second Edition

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Principles of Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design prepares readers to design and operate real chemical reactors and to troubleshoot any technical problems that may arise. The text's unified methodology is applicable to both single and multiple chemical reactions, to all reactor configurations, and to all forms of rate expression. This text also . . .

Graduate and advanced undergraduate chemical engineering students will find that this text's unified approach better prepares them for professional practice by teaching them the actual skills needed to design and analyze chemical reactors.

Introduction to Chemical Reactor Analysis, Second Edition introduces the basic concepts of chemical reactor analysis and design, an important foundation for understanding chemical reactors, which play a central role in most industrial chemical plants.

The scope of the second edition has been significantly enhanced and the content reorganized for improved pedagogical value, containing sufficient material to be used as a text for an undergraduate level two-term course. This edition also contains five new chapters on catalytic reaction engineering.Written so that newcomers to the field can easily progress through the topics, this text provides sufficient knowledge for readers to perform most of the common reaction engineering calculations required for a typical practicing engineer. The authors introduce kinetics, reactor types, and commonly used terms in the first chapter. Subsequent chapters cover a review of chemical engineering thermodynamics, mole balances in ideal reactors for three common reactor types, energy balances in ideal reactors, and chemical reaction kinetics. The text also presents an introduction to nonideal reactors, and explores kinetics and reactors in catalytic systems.The book assumes that readers have some knowledge of thermodynamics, numerical methods, heat transfer, and fluid flow. The authors include an appendix for numerical methods, which are essential to solving most realistic problems in chemical reaction engineering. They also provide numerous worked examples and additional problems in each chapter. Given the significant number of chemical engineers involved in chemical process plant operation at some point in their careers, this book offers essential training for interpreting chemical reactor performance and improving reactor operation.

We examine the uniqueness and stability of the solutions to the problem of steady-state operation of a continuous chemical reactor in which longitudinal diffusion and heat conduction are taken into account. We investigate an adiabatic reactor in which the concentration and temperature distributions are similar (the thermal diffusivity and diffusion coeffecient are equal) and an isothermic reactor. These two cases are considered together because the mathematical formulations of the problem are equivalent.

The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering conducts undergraduate and graduate programs of teaching and research that focus on the areas of biomolecular engineering, systems engineering, and advanced materials processing and span the general themes of energy/environment and nanoengineering. Aside from the fundamentals of chemical engineering (thermodynamics, transport phenomena, kinetics, reactor engineering and separations), particular emphasis is given to metabolic engineering, protein engineering, synthetic biology, bio-nano-technology, biomaterials, air pollution, environmental modeling, pollution prevention, molecular simulation, process systems engineering, membrane science, semiconductor processing, chemical vapor deposition, plasma processing, and polymer engineering.

The mission of the undergraduate program is to educate future leaders in chemical and biomolecular engineering who effectively combine their broad knowledge of physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics with their engineering analysis and design skills for the creative solution of problems in chemical and biological technology and for the synthesis of innovative (bio)chemical processes and products. This goal is achieved by producing chemical and biomolecular engineering alumni who (1) draw readily on a rigorous education in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology in addition to the fundamentals of chemical engineering to creatively solve problems in chemical and biological technology, (2) incorporate social, ethical, environmental, and economical considerations, including the concept of sustainable development, into chemical and biomolecular engineering practice, (3) lead or participate successfully on multidisciplinary teams assembled to tackle complex multifaceted problems that may require implementation of both experimental and computational approaches and a broad array of analytical tools, and (4) pursue graduate study and achieve an M.S. or Ph.D. degree in the sciences and engineering and/or achieve success as professionals in chemical and biomolecular engineering as well as related fields, including business, medicine, and environmental protection.

The Chemical Engineering major is a designated capstone major. The capstone project requires students to first work individually and learn how to integrate chemical engineering fundamentals taught in prior required courses; they then work in groups to produce a paper design of a realistic chemical process using appropriate software tools. Graduates should be able to design a chemical or biological system, component, or process that meets technical and economical design objectives, with consideration of environmental, social, and ethical issues, as well as sustainable development goals. In addition, they should be able to apply their knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, and chemical and biological engineering to analysis and design of chemical and biochemical processes and products; function on multidisciplinary teams; identify, formulate, and solve complex chemical and biological engineering problems; and communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.

Required: Chemical Engineering 100, 101A, 101B, 101C, 102A, 102B, 103, 104A, 104B, 106, 107, 109, Chemistry and Biochemistry 113A, 153A; three technical breadth courses (12 units) selected from an approved list available in the Office of Academic and Student Affairs; two capstone analysis and design courses (Chemical Engineering 108A, 108B); and one biomedical elective course (4 units) from Chemical Engineering C115, C121, C124, C125, CM127, C135, or CM145 (another chemical engineering elective may be substituted for one of these with approval of the faculty adviser).

Required: Chemical Engineering 100, 101A, 101B, 101C, 102A, 102B, 104A, 104D, 104DL, 107, 109, C115, C125, Chemistry and Biochemistry 113A, 153A; three technical breadth courses (12 units) selected from an approved list available in the Office of Academic and Student Affairs; two capstone analysis and design courses (Chemical Engineering 108A, 108B); and one biomolecular elective course (4 units) from Chemical Engineering C124, CM127, C135, or CM145 (course CM145 is recommended; another chemical engineering elective may be substituted with approval of the faculty adviser).

Required: Chemical Engineering 100, 101A, 101B, 101C, 102A, 102B, 103, 104A, 104B, 106, 107, 109, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 104, Chemistry and Biochemistry 113A, 153A; three technical breadth courses (12 units) selected from an approved list available in the Office of Academic and Student Affairs; two capstone analysis and design courses (Chemical Engineering 108A, 108B); and two elective courses (8 units) from Chemical Engineering 113, C118, C119, C121, C128, C135, C140 (another chemical engineering elective may be substituted with approval of the faculty adviser).

The Biomolecular Engineering laboratories are equipped for cutting-edge genetic, biomolecular, and cellular engineering teaching and research. Facilities and equipment include (1) bioreactors, (2) fluorescence microscopy, (3) real-time PCR thermocycler, (4) UV-visible and fluorescence spectrophotometers, (5) HPLC and LC-mass spectrometer, (6) aerobic and anaerobic bioreactors from bench top to 100-liter pilot scale, (7) protein purification facility, (8) potentiostat/galvanostat and impedance analyzer for electroenzymology, (9) membrane extruder and multiangle laser light scattering for production and characterization of biological and semi-synthetic colloids such as micelles and vesicles, and (10) phosphoimager for biochemical assays involving radiolabeled compounds.

Microbial cells are genetically and metabolically engineered to produce compounds that are used as fuel, chemicals, drugs, and food additives. Novel gene-metabolic circuits are designed and constructed in microbial cells to perform complex and non-native cellular behavior. These designer cells are cultured in bioreactors, and intracellular states are monitored. Such investigations are coupled with genomic and proteomic efforts, and mathematical modeling, to achieve system-wide understanding of the cell.

The Chemical Kinetics, Catalysis, Reaction Engineering, and Combustion Laboratory is equipped with advanced research tools for experimental and computational studies in chemical kinetics, catalytic materials, and combustion, including quadrupole mass spectrometer (QMS) systems to sample reactive systems with electron impact and photoionization capabilities; several fully computerized gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GC/MS) systems for gas analysis; fully computerized array channel microreactors for catalyst discovery and optimization; several flat premixed and diffusion flame burners and flow reactors to study combustion and other fast reactions; a laser photoionization (LP) time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer for the ultrasensitive, real-time detection of trace pollutants in the gas phase; a gravimetric microbalance to study heterogeneous reactions; and several state-of-the-art supermicro work-stations for numerical investigations in fluid mechanics, detailed chemical kinetic modeling, and computational quantum chemistry.


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